
The Mathematics Faculty aim to give every student the skills to solve problems through a deep understanding of the concepts, allowing them to apply logical thinking and a range of skills to real-life applications.

We aspire to instill a life-long love of mathematics and hope to nurture confident and enthusiastic young mathematicians.

Key Stage 3

In Year 7 and 8 students follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work, this focuses on the mastery approach to mathematics with students gaining a deeper understanding of the topics to ensure a solid foundation for future progress. Students in Year 7 will be in mixed ability classes with students loosely grouped into core and extension groups in Year 8. All students cover the same content and complete the same assessments. In Year 9 students go on to complete a bespoke scheme of work to ensure they are prepared to start the GCSE course.

Key Stage 4

Year 10 and 11 students complete the Edexcel GCSE course. At GCSE students will either complete the Higher or Foundation tier of entry. All students will complete three 90 minute exams at the end of the course which are all equally weighted and can assess any of the knowledge covered. Students completing the foundation course are awarded half of the marks for using and applying and the exam marks are distributed equally between grade 1 – 3 and grade 3 – 5 content. At the higher tier students have more emphasis on problem solving and communicating with only 40% of the marks given for using and applying. The marks are evenly distributed between grade 4 – 6 and grade 7 – 9.

Mathematics - A Level

Further Mathematics - A Level

Core mathematics - AS Level