Computer Science

Entry requirements

Grade 5 in GCSE Computer Science and Grade 5 in Maths and a Science.


Is GCSE Computer Science required?

Yes. To embark upon this course you will need to have achieved at least a Grade 5 in GCSE Computer Science. Also a good grasp of Mathematics would help, as there is a need to understand abstract concepts and to present these logically and clearly. It is best therefore if you are also on target to achieve at least grade 5 in both Maths and Physics. Just as important is a good grasp of the English language and an ability to write in sentences!

What software will I use?

Technically, you will become proficient in a professional high level coding language  and also gain a greater understanding of the computational thinking that is the foundation of the subject. There is an emphasis on Object-Oriented and Functional coding.

About the course:

Computer Science is a very practical course, with an extended coding project as a major component. A significant amount of the theoretical elements of the course are taught in a practical context. The assessment is based on 2 written exam papers (80% of A-level) and a non-examined practical assessment (20% of A-level).

What happens next?
Many students go on to University, successfully taking Computer Science as a degree. Be aware though that A Level Mathematics can be a pre-requisite for some Computer Science degree courses at certain Universities. Computer Science is also very useful for courses in the area of Engineering, Business Management, Maths and Science. Many former Chase students now work as developers / analysts at places such as QinetiQ, GCHQ and even at Microsoft HQ in Seattle USA! Many local companies are now offering Higher Apprenticeships in IT / Computing / Cyber Security and these are an increasingly attractive option for many students.