
The aim of the ‘student tracking system’ is to provide an assessment system which tracks the progress made by students throughout the year and between year groups.

It aims to combine prior student data together with staff information to provide a detailed snapshot of a student’s progress throughout their time at The Chase. It collects “current grade” data from staff with the aim of gauging at any set time, the current performance of students.

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There are three tracking windows calendared during the academic year:

  • Autumn

  • Spring

  • Summer

On each occasion, information is provided by staff to keep the assessment of students current and therefore as accurate as possible. Progress reports are then distributed to parents electronically via The My Child at School (for Parents) and Student App/WebPortal.

More information about the MCAS Parents App can be found here

Parents can opt for a paper-based copy of this report by emailing the school.

To better understand your child’s grades and the assessment criteria we use, please refer to the relevant Grade Descriptor Guides below.

Year 7 - 11 Grade Descriptor Guide

Year 12 & 13 Grade Descriptor Guide

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